Milly’s Foundation

Milly's Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting individuals and families living on Alderney affected by dementia and memory loss.

"Dementia – A Practical Guide For Family Carers"

This book is published by Milly’s Foundation and is a practical help for those carers looking after a family member or friend at home.

Available from The Connaught Care Home.

How can we help?

Milly's Foundation Alderney is an organisation dedicated to providing training and support for professionals and caregivers dealing with dementia. Additionally, we offer confidential help, information, and support for individuals experiencing memory issues. To date, we have trained 55 people including local businesses and professionals.

Where did it begin?

Milly's Foundation was founded on Alderney in 2014 by Colin Williams, whose wife Milly had dementia. Colin wanted to ensure that other families affected by dementia had access to the resources and support that his family did not have when they were caring for Milly.


Colin receiving a donation from Provincial Charity Appeal.


Milly's Foundation works in partnership with the Connaught Care Home.

Additionally, Liz Bowskill, Operations Manager of the Connaught, is available for additional information about the foundation and its work.

“Milly’s Foundation recognises that the role of a carer is often a demanding and thankless one, and they seek to offer support and assistance in any way possible. Through various programs and initiatives, MF aims to give carers a much-deserved break from their caregiving duties, allowing them to recharge and take care of their own physical and emotional well-being.” — Lesley Cairnduff

Our Team of Volunteers

Our team includes professionals and caregivers who work tirelessly to provide training, support, and advice to those in need.


Lisa Oates


Liz Bowskill


Lesley Cairnduff


Barbara Benfield


Belinda Powrie


Fieona Cosheril

VOLUNTEERS WELCOME! We are looking for individuals with a passion for helping others, who are committed to our cause and willing to lend their time and skills to support our programs and events. Whether you have experience in caregiving, research, or simply a desire to give back to your community, we welcome your contribution.

Help us fundraising!

Milly's Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by dementia and memory loss. We rely on the generosity of donors like you to continue our important work.

To donate, please contact us at or you can make a direct payment using Paypal.

Contact us: Lisa Oates - 07781 107590 Lesley Cairnduff - 07781 149908 Liz Bowskill - 01481 822756 Email: Milly’s Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation. Guernsey Charities Register No.CH447